If you are into website development, then the amount of work you put into your website and the low return it brings in must have you frustrated.
Why wouldn’t it? When we create a website, the amount of time we spend building the layout and implementing them takes hours. And, often, our creation is not reusable, and we need to start from scratch when we start making a new website.
This is a problem faced by thousands of website creators. Are you also one of those thousands, sick and tired of the same problem? Then rejoice and continue reading as in this blog, we will be explaining how you can get rid of this age-old problem.
Introducing Blocks
Before we continue any further, lets us take a moment and understand what a block is. Think of it’s a Lego brick. You have probably played or heard about Lego’s right.
Imagine you have many Legos of the same size, then you can connect them to make something. Blocks are also similar. You have reusable components which you can use, customize and add to your site to create the website of your dreams.

Blocks can be considered as a module. The only difference is that each module is done so that it allows you to create various changes as per your need. There is no limit to its reusability as long as you have enough space on your website, of course.
So, you must have wondered how a block helps you construct a web page by this point.
Well, the section below explains to you just that:
Choices for customization:
Block are premade by designers and developers alike by keeping into consideration the needs of millions of users. So, there are literally thousands of options regarding font, color, call-to-action-buttons, sliders, and many more. This provides you with the choice to add any module you like to your website and make it based on your personal preference.

And, we have not even gotten to the best part yet. Blocks are being added each and every day. So more options are being added to the existing millions of options to choose from. Therefore, you will not run out of options anytime soon.
The best part about blocks is that it is reusable. You must have probably had instances where you or your client are creating a website. The components are similar to the previous sites you build. In such a case ability to reuse the older components makes your life much easier.
Block enables you to do just that. Furthermore, if you use themes built in WordPress, it allows you to reuse blocks through plugins used in any theme as long it supports it.

We have perfect themes in Sampression official site which support almost all kinds of the plugin. Moreover, it enables you to reuse blocks making your website creation time much more manageable.
It doesn’t just stop here. Even within reusable blocks, modifications such as changing layout, fonts, colors, design, etc., are possible. This enables your reusable block to have an entire makeover. Your website consumer won’t even realize that your blocks have been reused.
Since blocks are reusable and customizable, it saves you a shit ton of time while making a new website. If you need to make a similar function and similar look, just a bit of customization blocks will get your job done.

Similarly, using reusable components makes it easier to create a website with massive design and development requirements. Moreover, as the need to code to develop elements is totally eliminated while using blocks, a lot of time is saved, making your customer very satisfied.
Cutting Cost
The best part about blocks is it doesn’t just save time and effort while making a website. Still, it also significantly decreases the cost for you and your customer if you have any. The blocks are reusable, so multiple sites can use the same league with slight variation. This enables you just buy or create a few blocks and reuse them cutting your cost significantly.
At the same time, the hectic work coding for each component is absolutely unnecessary as you can make a block once and reuse them again and again.

For your customer also it’s good news as you taking less time and effort to create a site means their charges will be less. However, it depends on you because they are your customer at the end of the day.
What’s next
Now that you know what blocks can do and how powerful they really are, all that is left is to try them out. You must be confused regarding what themes to choose. Let us make it easy for you. Our theme Sampression provides a comprehensive range of supports for the user who wants to use blocks and is very user-friendly at the same time. So, why not give it a try? After all, it’s free, and we are sure you will have a great experience using it.