Marketing Strategy For Website

One of the first things any business does/has to do is create a website. Now, if you make one, you need to learn the right marketing strategy for a website. Although gaining an audience’s attention can be challenging, knowing proper marketing strategies makes it easy. Since the 1900s, people in business realized that if they wanted to be ahead in the business competition, they had to do something different. One of those ways was marketing their company. Since then, marketing one’s business through websites or other media has been one of the most valuable ways to attract customers. 

Businesses use a marketing strategy to attract a wider audience and convert them from visitors to customers. From the definition, it is evident that effective website marketing strategies help drive traffic to your website. Furthermore, it helps to drive conversions and maximize sales and revenue. Having marketing strategies for your websites helps the business succeed and maintains a good relationship with the audience. If you’re a start-up or trying to start a business, visibility is one of the main things you must consider. How visible is your website to the audience? This is the question any business owner needs to ask. A consistent number of visitors is vital to drive ROI. 

ROI (Return on Investment) means the profit you gain after the initial investment. Getting more visits to a website is directly linked to more ROI. Any adequately executed website marketing effort can widely help the website’s success. Digital marketing strategies become the driving force for any website wanting more recognition. Not only does it help grow your business, but marketing can effectively increase brand visibility and online presence.

Best 9 Plans for Website Marketing 

Even though a website is the first door for business, building only one is not enough. You will need marketing strategies to drive traffic to your website and maximize sales. Also, you would want to attract more customers, increase your visibility online, and use an outreach strategy. A solid marketing plan ensures that your website gets more visitors and converts them into leads. The main goal of website marketing is to get a higher ranking in search engines and promote your website. To do this, we need to know the right plans and techniques. We can classify those strategies as organic or paid based on how each of them helps you grow your business.

Organic strategies are the features that you do not have to pay for. In other words, you modify your content to reach the right audience without spending a single penny. Guest blogging and email marketing are some examples. In paid campaigns, you use monetary value to boost your content or website. Paid ads, affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, and brand partnerships are some examples of paid campaigns. Here is a list of marketing tactics/plans you can use to market your website. 

You can pay digital platforms to advertise your business or services. You may have seen advertisements on YouTube or FaceBook. Those kinds of ads are called paid ads. This marketing strategy drives inorganic traffic to business websites. And it mainly helps to target a specific audience. You need to study and know what demographics of users your business is serving. That’s how you know which platform is the best for you to promote your business. Likewise, if your website is related to education, you might want to pay to educational channels to promote your business.

Advertisements in Search Engines

Search engine ads are also called pay-per-click ads. These ads are placed in search engine results and are different from regular ads. You see, a regular ad can be placed anywhere on the internet. However, a search engine ad is placed only on search engines and appears according to the search. This is primarily helpful for reaching the right audience as it helps promote your websites. When we search for something on search engines, we know what we are searching for specifically.

So, search engine ads are designed in a way that appears if you search for a specific keyword. In a way, it is like the ads don’t find you; you see those ads. Currently, almost every search engine gives you a platform to place your ads. Google, Edge, Yahoo, Brave, etc are a few examples of those search engines. Also, if you are new to the business world, this type of advertisement is helpful throughout the business. 

Marketing through Email

Email marketing is primarily effective for increasing user retention and lead generation. So, how do you implement this? When you open a website or a blog about any business, you may have seen a pop-up asking for your email. And that is exactly how it works. These businesses ask for your email in return for continuing with further steps. Then, they collect the emails and keep you updated about their companies. Furthermore, it works more like a reminder to try out their business to avoid losing customers. This helps businesses to connect with the users and maintain the connection through emails. 

Email Marketing

Also, the frequency of emails businesses send differs according to the customers and the company. It can backfire if it is too much, making people unsubscribe because it can become annoying. Therefore, keep a balance in the frequency of emails you send. Additionally, most emails sent on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays get the most engagement. Personalized emails are highly effective in generating leads, so studying your customers is also essential.

Conducting Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy that pays other companies to promote their brand. A performance-based marketing means the promoter is paid per click on the advertisement. The three leading players in this type of marketing are the affiliates, customers, and the brand. It is famous as influencer marketing because influencers on social platforms promote the business. In the business world, where the competition is tough, this marketing can help you get ahead of most of your competitors.

Approach to Organic Social Media Marketing

Organic Social Media Marketing means you do not pay for your business to be advertised. Yes, it is free, but seeing the results will take a long time. You might have seen social media posts or people stating live on social media platforms. You may have seen TikTok Live, YouTube Videos, Facebook posts, Instagram reels, and many other forms of social media marketing. All of these are done with one intent: increasing engagement with users. This way, businesses build a connection with their audience. 

Social Media

This helps in lead generation and converts visitors into long-term customers. Once you gain loyal customers, you will gain more interactions, and the frequency of these advertisements should also increase. Most of the time, businesses post 1-2 posts a day. This marketing approach allows maximum visibility to users. That helps reach a wider audience and scale up the company.

Marketing through Influencers

Social media has been an integral part of our lives. And social media influencers are one of the essential aspects of social media. And why do you think they are called influencers? Because they have the power to influence people, especially those who use social media. A vast difference exists between a fitness service promoted by an average person and a fitness influencer.

Well, you guessed it, the interaction on the product marketed by a fitness influencer is more than that of an average person. They can easily influence others to buy or even search for the service. This helps drive traffic to your website and, eventually, turns visitors into customers. Hence, we can easily promote our websites through paid influencer advertisements.

Reviews Online

How often have we been influenced to buy a product because of the positive reviews online? Before purchasing any service or product, we are likely to view the feedback of that product or service. This helps us make an efficient decision before buying what we need. That’s why having positive reviews online is very important. It influences product consumption and drives conversions. More than that, businesses should focus on allowing the users to leave a response.

 If you own a website, leave some area for the users to leave their reviews. You can benefit from the positive reviews, but if there are negative reviews, you can improve on them. You can even prompt the user to leave a review of the website. You can implement review pop-ups for this purpose. The best time to ask users to leave a review is when they reach the bottom of a website. This way, we have the idea that the user has spent enough time on the website to leave meaningful feedback.

Post and Blogging from Guests

Guest blogging is an effective content marketing strategy in which guests create content about a specific business or website. This type of content is usually in the form of blogs or posts. However, having guests that review your website or service is not paid. They write posts and blogs based on their experience on the website. So, if you or anyone interested in the services of a business can just read one of these blogs or posts. Positive remarks about a website can attract an audience even if you are not one of those targeted audiences. They get to see what kind of service you are providing.

Association with Brands and Its Partnerships

Within the past decades, we have seen multiple brands get together to promote their businesses. One of the memorable examples is the brand collaboration between Nike and Apple. This collaboration has benefitted both companies, and you can guess the partnership is still ongoing. So why is it beneficial as a marketing strategy? It is because collaboration brings attention.

More than that, when two brands form a partnership, they are exposed to each other’s customer base. From there, businesses can expand their online presence, which is crucial for growing. However, it would help if you considered a few things before partnering with another brand.

Do we share the same goals and values? Are we both high-performing businesses? Do we understand the other businesses’ needs? Are our businesses compatible together? 

These are a few questions you should ask yourself before approaching brand partnerships. Not all the brand collaboration deals are successful. And understanding each other’s needs will save you time, resources, and failures during collaborations. 

Tools for Marketing 

When discussing the proper tools for website marketing, we need to know what to look for. And one of the main reasons we use tools is to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, we don’t just choose any marketing tools. We need to know what the goals of our website are. And what the objectives for marketing your website are. If you aim for lead generation, you need a tool with a landing page builder and lead analysis. Likewise, do you want to increase customer engagement? Then, any tool that provides automated emails and live chat functionalities.

Similarly, do you want a broad audience to know about your brand? Then, you can choose any tool that provides SEO optimization tools and content analytic features. Therefore, your objective might differ from other businesses, and the tools you use may also vary. Every business needs one or more marketing tools to reach its marketing objectives. Many websites focus on these objectives and choose the tools aligned with these objectives. 

Google Analytics

One of Google’s marketing platforms is Google Analytics. It is essential to know how studying the analytics of a business influences the business. This platform gives you precisely what you need to prosper in website marketing. While you may be worried about the performance of your website, Google Analytics gives you a detailed report and analysis on the same topic. Also, that means you will get insights into the products that drive your business. Furthermore, these insights can help get a better ROI(Return on Investment). So, if you want to know if the marketing strategies are working for your websites, then this is something you would like to use.


Another tool you can use to improve your website’s marketing is semrush. Using this, you can optimize your websites for a better reach for the audience. Additionally, you are going to need this platform to get SEO benefits. Those kinds of benefits help increase the online visibility of a website. It is also an all-in-one marketing tool for helping with digital marketing. Whether for keyword search or Google Ad optimization, it provides all the necessary features for your website. One of its main features is the insights and market analysis. 

Google Ads

One of the main things you can do to drive traffic to your website is to use Google Ads. This is also a pay-per-click advertisement model. And it is primarily helpful if you want to generate leads. Creating advertisements for your website helps to attract mostly refined customers. That means more sales and revenue because you get customers who would buy your services. Also, Google Ads is highly flexible for marketing any business website. So, you can customize your ads to whatever demographics or region your business caters to.

That also includes how much you will pay per click, i.e., a flexible ad budget. You will have a massive advantage using this platform for advertisement mainly due to its popularity and market dominance. How many of us have not heard of Google? Yes, exactly. It has become an integral part of our lives. Because Google Ads is a Google platform, your advertisements will likely get higher traffic than those on other platforms. 

Meta Business Manager

By the name, it is clear that Meta business manager is a Meta (Facebook) tool. Any business account on Facebook or Instagram. More than that, it’s primarily used by accounts that are mainly preferred by businesses. If you are using any Facebook or Instagram business account, it is a beneficial tool for managing your business. The Meta ecosystem provides anything from security and privacy to maintaining business assets. Also, it has a Meta Ads Manager that is useful for advanced advertisers. 


If you are a person in the business world, website marketing is something you do not want to miss. Implementing the right marketing strategy is essential to gain various benefits. You can expect benefits like lead conversion, drive website traffic, and boost your online business. And you need the right blend of organic and paid marketing to promote your website. Building a website is easy, but we need to know how to market our website. As already told, there are strategies you can use to keep your website competitive and successful. 

But how do you know what marketing strategies are best for your website? If you want to build long-term brand visibility and trust, organic ads are the best. However, paid ads do the job if you want quick results while increasing immediate visibility. Therefore, organic ads provide long-term growth, while paid ads provide short-term growth. Also, you can use tools to market your business/website. They give you the platform for designing and also provide analysis of those ads to see their effectiveness.


How do I market my website?

To market your website, you need to know your business objectives. Then, identify your target audience and goals. Choose plans/tools for marketing your website according to your marketing goals. Furthermore, you can choose organic or inorganic ads to gain targeted traffic to your website. Some of those plans you can implement are:
Paid Ads
Marketing through email
Marketing through Influencers
Conducting Affiliate Marketing
Approach to Organic Social Media Marketing
Advertisements in Search Engines
Reviews Online
Post and Blogging from Guests
Association with Brands and Its Partnerships

How do you create an SEO strategy for a website?

For a website, we can create an SEO strategy as follows:
Identify the goals of your website and search for target keywords
Optimize your website by improving the content structure, website speed, etc.
Make sure to use descriptive URLs for better search engine ranking.
Use tools to analyze the performance of your marketing website.
Improve your SEO ranking on the basis of tests and analysis.

What are the 5 main strategies of digital marketing?

The five main strategies of digital marketing are:
SEO marketing 
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Paid Advertisement
Influencer marketing

The strategies depend on the business’s goals, target audience, and resources available. By aligning these strategies with specific objectives, companies can create a cohesive digital marketing plan that maximizes visibility, engagement, and conversion rates.

How do I attract buyers to my website?

Attracting buyers to your website takes strategy: use SEO for visibility, social media for reach, and engaging content to capture interest. Paid ads and email marketing can help convert traffic into loyal buyers.

What is SEO traffic?

SEO traffic means getting organic traffic with the help of search engines. When we search for a word in Google or similar search engines, the top ranked result is shown to us. This means we are more prone to click on the first result, increasing the SEO traffic. Likewise, the higher it is ranked, the higher the traffic is.

Guide to E-commerce Enablement in 2024

E-commerce enablement in 2024 is a trending topic in the ecommerce landscape. It might sound like a difficult term, but it simply means using software and tools to manage one’s online store. Of course, it is not a term you would use in a normal conversation, thus making its understanding complex. Moreover, e-commerce enablement is like a platform through which we can grow our online sites. It provides the tools and infrastructures necessary for building the foundation of a business. But what exactly are those tools and infrastructures that e-commerce enablement provides?

First and foremost, any business needs an inventory management system, CRM (customer relation management), payment gateways, and optimization tools for a basic build. So, any ecommerce enablement would provide these basic features. Additionally, the term “e-commerce enablement” is usually confused with other terms like e-commerce enablers and marketplace. To better understand these terms, we can look at this table.

Ecommerce enablementEcommerce enablers Marketplace
Includes infrastructures for more than just setting up an online store like payment gateways, hosting, inventory management, a CRM, and optimization tools.Specific platforms like HubSpot, Stripe, Vinculum, etc, provide specific services for setting up a store. Such as layout, managing plugins and extensions, marketing, and SEO, and design customizations.Platforms for catering to the needs of sellers and buyers. It mostly provides transactional features in a centralized environment between customers and businesses. Examples include Amazon, Etsy, and eBay.

We can also understand these terms by a simple analogy. Let’s say we are building a house. Then, the land, infrastructures, and construction tools are e-commerce enablement. Similarly, specific tools for supporting the build of the house, like plumbing and electrical systems, are e-commerce enablers. Likewise, pre-built houses are marketplaces. Businesses and entrepreneurs can highly benefit from using e-commerce enablements. It’s like you are using a service that guides you in every step of building an online store. And with solutions to grow and further expand your sales.

Main features of E-commerce Enablement

E-commerce enablement refers to using tools and strategies that streamline the process of building and organizing an online store. Simply, it focuses on creating online stores and allowing those kinds of businesses to grow and scale up. Furthermore, implementing a successful ecommerce enablement means having a proper execution of its features. A userfriendly design, convenient payment methods, order management, optimization for mobile users, and reliable customer support. These are the features we would want to build a good online store. Similarly, the layout and ease of use of an online service are what draws the attention of an audience. And also increases user retention

Ecommerce enablement involves catering to a broad audience, whether it is during the checkout process or managing orders. The customers should have the privilege to choose and use the payment method they prefer. Carrying out order operations is a big deal while doing business. Therefore, inventory level management is also an available feature that enables ecommerce businesses to thrive. Almost half of the population uses mobile apps and services, so there is no way you would miss optimizing your services on mobile devices. Also, integrated features like customer support software can help by providing 24/7 services through different media. 

User-friendly based design

A user-friendly design includes easy navigation, proper readability, inclusive features, aesthetic design, and many more. Think like a customer; if you have a good experience using a website or an online business, then you’re likely to visit it again. That means higher user retention. Therefore, having a user-friendly based design not only ensures a good relationship with customers but also helps businesses reach a wider audience. In addition to that, this feature of e-commerce enablement generates positive feedback, which can drive organic traffic to business sites.

Convenient Payment Method 

A convenient payment method is important to maintain user-friendliness. Let’s suppose you want to buy some product from an online market. Then, after you click checkout, you only have one payment method, which also looks unfamiliar. Even if you proceed, you will have a lot of information to fill out when trying to use the only available option. This runs the problem of cart abandonment and user dissatisfaction. Therefore, having a convenient payment method ensures there are multiple payment getaways, payment options, and a one-click checkout process. And an easy checkout process is much more helpful for maximizing sales and revenue.

Order Management

When you have a business, you need to worry about shipping products or creating a great shopping experience. But e-commerce enablement strategies have your back for these tasks. You would not need to worry about losing customers if you provide them with a good experience in terms of order and management. Moreover, automated transactions are a demanded feature in order fulfillment systems. It is useful for easy e-commerce operations and successful e-commerce business.

Optimization for Mobile Use 

About 46% of the total population, which is almost half, use mobile websites. Now, if you consider the stats, you know why we need to optimize for mobile use. Responsive design, fast page speed, smooth interactions with interactive elements, enhanced readability. These are the features you would need to implement for mobile optimization. Any e-commerce store available on mobile phones can use e-commerce enablement. This helps to make sure that online transactions of their services provide customers with a great experience. And possibly encourage more engagement in the online business. 

Reliable Customer Support

Providing any documentation or help needed to users is crucial. Likewise, we can provide customer service by phone, live chat, email, or even AI support. A reliable customer support benefits both businesses and even customers. Most of the time, customers need help troubleshooting or getting started. Make sure you provide valuable insights to solve any problem. So, having this feature in an ecommerce platform is really helpful for carrying out ecommerce operations. Therefore, many ecommerce businesses have 24/7 available customer service for a great user experience. 

Ecommerce Enablement Platforms you need to know in 2024

If you are operating a business or planning to operate one, then you already know how helpful e-commerce enablement is. They are the all-in-one solution every ecommerce business needs to integrate to help with design and development. Its main purpose goes beyond building an e-commerce business. Besides, we also need to focus on the scalability of business, user experience, and branding. And that is exactly what these platforms provide. 

Likewise, we have a list of trending e-commerce enablements for 2024. All of these platforms are SAAS-based. Although many of the leading ecommerce enablement platforms are SAAS based, there are other models as well. 

Self-hosted: Managed on the own server. Examples include WooCommerce.

On-Premises: Hosting software locally. Examples include Magento.

Custom: Using multiple resources for specific needs. Such as custom API integrations or third-party tools.

Whereas, SAAS platforms provide a cloud-based service. This means users do not need to install any software for managing business websites. That also means you can manage your business from anywhere, and it is very scalable. 


E-commerce enablement , Shopify

Shopify is an all-rounded platform, which makes it one of the top ecommerce enablement platforms. We have listed its main features:

  • We can integrate multiple channels and platforms for advertisement. This is helpful to drive inorganic traffic to the business sites.
  • It has a wide selection of features. Inventory management, CRM, managed shipping options, and order processing are some of them. In short, just everything you need to operate an ecommerce store.
  • It allows business owners to store customer data and purchase history. This helps to build a personalized order system for customers. 
  • We can also integrate automatic order processing. This helps to speed up the process and reduce time consumption. 


E-commerce enablement , weebly

Weebly is the best option for small business owners. In order to sell products online, we need to start somewhere. And, this is the best option if you are just a beginner in the world of ecommerce. Its features are:

  • It is user-friendly and easy to set up. Thus not requiring any complex technical knowledge.
  • It has built-in marketing features such as SEO features and email marketing called Weebly Promote.
  • It has shopping cost calculators with real-time prices. This makes the checkout process inclusive for international audiences.
  • It comes with pricing plans with higher pricing tiers. As you go up in the pricing tier, the more it allows businesses to scale as they grow.


E-commerce enablement, Bigcommerece

BigCommerce is for you if you want to reach out to a wider audience through multiple channels like marketplaces, social media, and websites. We have listed a few main features of this e-commerce enablement platform below:

  • It allows businesses to sell their products across multiple platforms.
  • It comes with built-in SEO features for optimizing search engine visibility.
  • You can also get analytics and logistics features on this platform.
  • It has all the tools for handling e-commerce operations. Operations such as content management, hosting, store building, and many more.

Pricing Plans

Basic$19USD/monthFree plan- Totally free$29USD/month
Advanced $299USD/month$16USD/month$299USD/month

E-commerce Tech  And Automation 

Any market, whether online or physical, keeps on changing. A trending technology that was dominating the tech industry a decade ago would not be prevalent today. Likewise, keeping up with any e-commerce tech trend is necessary to know what is in demand. The whole foundation of e-commerce enablement is e-commerce tech and automation. Similarly, e-commerce tech and automation provide a fast processing system with smooth interactions. Not only that, but it also offers effective inventory management and customer relationship management systems for businesses. So you get the idea. Without this, e-commerce enablement wouldn’t be as popular as it is now.

Accordingly, with the help of e-commerce tech platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Weebly, and Wix, users can set up their businesses quickly. Furthermore, automation for repetitive tasks can save time and resources. And also gain satisfied users. For any business that lets users shop online, having efficient order processing with fast shipping and fulfillment is necessary. With the use of tools and different software, automation offers multiple benefits. Also, businesses can sell their products by suggesting personalized items with the help of AI tools. Therefore, e-commerce enablement allows businesses to save resources, improve customer experience, and gain competitive advantage.


So, you know the need for e-commerce enablement while building a business. Not only does it help manage and create an online store from scratch, but it also helps lift the extra work off the shoulders of business building. The extra work involves integrating different software and tools that enable one to carry out business needs. Imagine trying to set up an online business, and you have to individually search for each tool that provides the features you are looking to integrate. If you are a beginner trying to sell your products, then you will have no idea how or where to start. 

Therefore, any e-commerce platform needs effective ecommerce enablement. Whether you are a business person or an entrepreneur, we need to provide the convenience of online shopping to the users. In this technological era where physical stores are increasingly turning to online, we need to have knowledge about these types of platforms. This is not only my word because if you look at the statistics of global ecommerce sales, it is an 8.6% increase since 2023.

We need to know the right ecommerce platforms, like Shopify, Weebly, BigCommerce, etc., to make the process even simpler. Research the market trends to know what other ecommerce brands are doing differently. Know how your business can solve the problems of your audience in the same way.

What is e-commerce enablement?

E-commerce enablement means using software and apps to manage and operate an online business. It provides the tools and infrastructures necessary for building the foundation of a business.  And, includes the coordination of different components to enhance user experience and increase user retention. 

What is an e-commerce enabler?

An e-commerce enabler is a specific platform that provides specific services for setting up a store. It provides layout, plugins and extensions management, design customizations, and many more. Examples include PayPal, Chanel Advisor, and Zendesk. They serve purposes like secure transactions, inventory management, and customer service.

What are the four main types of eCommerce?

The four main types of e-commerce are:
B2B commerce: Business to Business commerce
B2C commerce: Business to Customer commerce
B2B commerce: Customer to Customer commerce
Intro B commerce: Business within the company commercially

What are the four e-commerce phases?

The 4 e-commerce phases are:
Attract the customers. Create a good and informative UI and advertisement to drive traffic to an e-commerce site.
Keep the customers engaged. Communicate your business goals properly and sell your products to the audience.
Provide a smooth and simple checkout process. Integrate multiple payment gateways for user-friendliness. You can also use SSL(secure sockets layer) to ensure secure transactions. 
Ensure proper delivery and customer support. Include delivery time and shipping rates conversion for international users. Make sure customers are getting help when needed.

What is ecommerce enable?

Ecommerce enables means the process of making online businesses capable of selling products and thriving in the ecommerce environment. We can enable a business to grow by using an ecommerce tech stack. That includes payment systems, shipping, and fulfillment software, and many more. Which is exactly what e-commerce enable is about.

Website Experience

Have you ever visited a website and was like, “Ehh.. this doesn’t seem right”? Or “Wow this looks interesting!”? If you have these kinds of reactions to a website, then we label that as website experience. However, these user experiences are not limited to only the visuals of a website but also functionality and usability. And let’s not talk about the number of times we have been so frustrated watching the screen load for what seems like an eternity. Well, these collective negative and positive experiences help us know what is right and wrong for our websites.

Additionally, there have been websites that have made us want to come back again and again and made our work really easy and quick. It is pleasant to see and has a smooth interface. So, what makes the websites that good? How do we implement those features to have a positive experience? And overall, how can we label our websites as good? How can we be so sure that our websites can collect positive user experiences? If you were looking for the answers to these questions, you have come to the right article.

Why is Website User Experience Important?

Website experience ,User Experience

While creating a website, we should consider the main component for the website’s success: the users. It is in the hands of users to either make the website a hit or a miss. A positive user experience depends on many things, which we will dive deeper into later in this article. But for now, let’s discuss some of the reasons why website user experience is important.

  • To ensure user satisfaction. Everyone likes a smooth and fast interaction with a website where the task at hand is done within a few seconds. A great website user experience means the user is satisfied, increasing the chances of user engagement.
  • To earn a loyal and supporting audience. You see when you have a positive experience with a website, you are likely to visit the website more than other competing websites.
  • To increase the conversion rate. Any website with a good UX can turn website visitors into potential customers. This is called lead conversion and is crucial for the success of a business or service. 
  • Making a website inclusive is also a part of a good user experience. This increases the chances of emotional connection with users, which can help in reaching a wider audience. 
  • A website focused on good user experience design increases the probability of higher rankings in search engines. The more visible the website is, the more it will attract new and unique visitors. 

Overall, with a website focused on UX design, it is important not only to reach the target audience for the business but also to reach a wider audience. Implementing best practices for website design helps greatly in reducing bounce rates. Bounce rate is just a fancy term for the rate of people entering and leaving a website rather than continuing with the same site. Moreover, being labeled as a good website is much more than just only the user interface. 

How to Improve User Experience on the Website

Improve User Experience

We know all the benefits and importance of prioritizing a positive user experience through good UX design. Now, the real deal is knowing the ways to implement it. There is a whole book about user interfaces and the right design process to follow when designing a website. But I will just tell you the 8 tips or principles you NEED to know to improve your website’s user experience. The principles listed below are summarized versions of Schneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules. 

  1. Consistency
  2. Shortcuts
  3. Informative feedback
  4. Dialog closure
  5. Error prevention and handling
  6. Action reversibility
  7. User control
  8. Memory load reduction

These rules are important to consider when making any user interface, whether a mobile-friendly website or a complex web application. Furthermore, we can also consider Nielson’s 10 usability heuristics for increasing the usability of a website. We can put together a list of 10 tips, 8 similar to Schneiderman’s golden rules and an extra two from usability heuristics. That includes help and documentation and matching the system with the real world. 

Layout or Architecture:

The website’s layout should be simple, minimalistic, consistent, and easy to navigate. And whatever the website’s focus, we can present it in a user-friendly way. Maintaining consistency in layout makes it easy for users to interact. Suppose you are using rectangles to represent key features of your websites. Then, when a user sees another rectangle, they can easily guess that the information in the box is important, but the information in the diamond box might be less important. This way of prioritizing content helps save time and increase engagement.

Likewise, making the website responsive i.e. fitting to all sizes of devices, makes it usable. We should present information in a uniform flow and with no clutter. We can also integrate screen readers or text-size zooming features to include people with disabilities. Overall, with careful usage of layout and architecture, we can communicate the main components of the website.

Design or Style

Design or Style on Website experience

The website design should follow a uniform pattern for design or style. This includes consistent themes, color schemes, and familiar styles on interactive elements. This helps create a sense of familiarity with the content and ease of user use. Additionally, having a consistent style makes a website look professional and credible. Knowing when to use white spaces is important for reducing clutter and increasing readability

Therefore, while designing a website, think about what aligns with your brand. Aesthetically pleasing typography styles or color palettes and other brand elements are necessary for creating a positive first impression of the website. Well-designed elements play a role in smooth interactions with website elements. Likewise, how you design or style your website is vital for evaluating the usability of a website. 

The featured content should be mainly focused on communicating the purpose of the website. The website design and every element or component in the website should represent the goal of the website. For example, suppose you run a cafe. For a cafe, the related color schemes could be brown or beige, representing coffee.

Similarly, the logo should convey the main goal so that when users see it, they immediately know what service you are providing. You can feature blogs about types of coffee or health benefits within your website to cater to other users’ needs. You can also use eye-catching colors, typography, or elements to represent featured content and gain the immediate attention of visitors to your website.

User Navigation

When you visit a website, you expect to gain information from it. So, you begin to interact with the website, trying to figure out the missing piece of information. What happens when you can’t find the checkout page or trace back to the home page? We get impatient or even frustrated. Now, we are already encountering a negative experience, which is not the goal if we want to reduce the bounce rates. 

Additionally, we can make use of various buttons for easy navigation. We can also include Alt texts for images so that screen readers can help users form a mental image of the pictures. Moreover, the information the users are searching for should be presented in a well-organized and clear way. We can do this by having a sidebar menu, predictable placement of interactive elements, and well-structured navigation bars. 

Mobile Devices Adaptation

Mobile Devices Adaptation

Have you ever clicked on a website while you were on your phone and found out that it’s not responsive? Let me tell you that it’s a shared feeling. The feeling of annoyance when you have to drag your finger sideways just to access the sidebar menu. You click one item in the sidebar, and it takes you to another page, where you have to again drag your finger across the screen to read all that information spread from one side to another. 

Some of you may have no idea what I’m talking about because you exited the website as soon as you found out that it’s not responsive. Therefore, a website should accommodate all the device sizes. It increases the number of visitors to your website as you include all the device sizes. However, when you cater only to desktop users, the number of visitors can be low. This can cause negative experiences for users and impact your business negatively. 

Does User Experience Matter for Business

User Experience does matter for business. One of the most important components of a business is to have a website representing the brand. Before using any service or business, the website is the first impression for the users to know how well the service will be. 

  1. Customer retention: The retention rate refers to the percentage of people who return to the websites. A good retention rate ranges from 35% to 85%. If the retention rate is high, it usually signals user satisfaction and a good experience. This can be a good thing for the business reputation. 
  2. Customer engagement: A positive experience while using a website can generate positive feedback. While constructive feedback from users themselves is necessary to grow a business, a user-friendly website helps users engage with the website. This helps businesses gain an idea of the needs of the target users to cater to their needs better. 
  3. Long-term customer relationship: Having new and unique visitors for a website is as equally important as having a loyal customer. Long-term customers are the base for the success of a business. To attract these long-term users, the website has to be usable and user-friendly, as it is the first entry point to the business. 
  4. Increases organic traffic: If your website does well in creating a great user experience, then prepare it to be the talk among friends or family members. This drives organic traffic to your website, which is required to generate wider customers.
  5. SEO benefits: We have already talked about conversion rates and how having an amazing experience using a website can turn visitors into customers and leads. This helps maximize sales and revenue and gives a competitive advantage.

If a website performs well in terms of catering to the users and letting them have a positive experience, it not only helps the business related to the website as a whole but can also help with the success of other aspects of the business.


Therefore, a positive experience depends on many things and influences many aspects of a business. A usable website makes your content more readable. A usable website is not only limited to UI design but also considers user experiences. This includes how users interact with your website without any disturbances like encountering a 404 error page or slow page load. You get the idea: well-designed website pages that help users to move seamlessly and have a consistent design. 

Likewise, a lack of functionality, accessible features, and old-fashioned design practices can make your website feel old and outdated. So, try to avoid those as much as possible. You can also get started on improving your user interface design by paying attention to the most important aspects like usability, responsiveness, and visual appeal. 


What is website experience?

Website experience refers to the overall interaction and satisfaction a user has while visiting and navigating a website. We can base it on the usability, performance, accessibility, interactivity, and visual appeal of a website. Therefore, a website experience depends on how users interact with a website, which impacts their satisfaction.

How can user experience of websites be improved?

To improve the user experience of websites, focus on these things:
Visually appealing web design and aesthetics.
Higher page speed enhances performance and engagement.
Seamless website navigation for quick calls to action.
Optimized for mobile devices, ensuring responsiveness.
Accessible features for all users, ensuring inclusivity.

Why is web experience important?

Web experience is important to ensure customer satisfaction, increase online presence, and maintain a good image of the brand. Websites are the first entry point of any business, so it is necessary that the first impression of any website is good. 

How can I improve my website?

By following these simple ways, you can improve your website:
Improving the page speed
Using a lot of white space.
Responsiveness of websites.
Aligning with digital trends can make your website look modern and updated.
Integrating accessible features.
Eye-catching design to make the website visually attractive.
Make it more helpful by implementing error prevention measures.

What is a good user experience website?

A good user experience website means satisfaction while using the website. This includes having a website with responsive and interactive web pages. Also, a fast load time, accessible features, proper layout, aesthetic design, and overall usability of the webpage.