Sampression Lite has a meta charset and meta viewport by default. With the help of the following instructions, you can easily add meta tags to your webpage.
Copy and paste the codes mentioned below to your theme’s function.php file.
* Adding additional meta tags on the header
add_action( ‘sampression_meta’, ‘my_sampression_add_meta’, 15 );
function my_sampression_add_meta() {
<!– Meta Description –>
<meta name=”description” content=”This is my custom meta description.”>
Note: The modifications made on functions.php will be overwritten if you update the theme to a new version. Unless you make a child theme, please note down the changes you have made on functions.php before you update.
Follow these steps:
– Log in to WordPress Admin
– Go to Appearance › Theme Options
– Click on Advanced Tab.
– Paste the code mentioned below in the “Custom code to insert into Header” field:
<meta name=”description” content=”This is my custom meta description.”>